Local radar in motion
Local radar in motion

local radar in motion

#Local radar in motion full

Two 4 or three 5 Doppler radars collecting data in conjunction, the equation of mass continuity, and an empirical radar reflectivity–terminal velocity relationship have enabled the estimation of the full three-dimensional airflow fields in parts of storms. Doppler radar added a new dimension to our capabilities through its ability to measure directly the radial component of motion of an ensemble of hydrometeor particles. Both Barge and Bergwall 2 and Browning and Foote 3 have used fine scale reflectivity structure to determine airflow in hailstorms. Such approaches have continued by using the increasingly finer scale details provided by more modern radar systems.

local radar in motion

Early users of radar gave total storm movement only, whereas later radar data were used to reveal internal motions based on information related to cloud physics such as the three-dimensional morphology of the storm volume. Radar has long provided information on the three-dimensional structure of storms from measurements of the radar reflectivity factor alone. KNOWLEDGE of the kinematic structure of storms is important for understanding the internal physical processes.

Local radar in motion